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And the West is History

And the West is History: Big Fish and Proud Fisherman - 1945

And the West is History: Funeral Cortege,1917

And the West is History: Wetter Mercantile – ca. 1905

And the West is History: Skating on Animas River – ca. 1920

And the West is History: Basin Livestock Commission – ca. 1947

And the West is History: Purgatory Ski Area – 1966

And the West is History: Corner of Main and Seventh – 1895

And the West is History: Street Car Downtown – Ca. 1900

And the West is History: D&RGW Train Wreck – 1958

And the West is History: D&SNG Roundhouse Fire Aftermath – 1989

And the West is History: North Main Avenue, Street-Scene – Ca. 1938

And the West is History: Ben Nighthorse Campbell – 1987

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